Welcome to Acupuncture Shreveport, LLC, serving Shreveport-Bossier City, North Louisiana, East Texas and South Arkansas since 2012. We specialize in acupuncture and herbal therapies guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Our Acupuncturist is Meredith Stewart, L.Ac., MAOM.
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday by appointment. Please note: If you are coming to pick up herbs, please call first to make sure we are in. Please leave a voice message since we might be with a patient or briefly away from the phone.
Contact: To schedule an appointment for acupuncture or an herbal consultation please call 318-459-9125. You can email us with questions at [email protected] .
What to Expect at Acupuncture Shreveport
We will want to understand your goals for treatment. Many people are seeking relief from pain, fertility issues, or chronic stress. Others wish to boost wellness or address other specific issues. Evaluation by Acupuncturist Meredith Stewart involves understanding your symptoms and carefully observing your pulse, tongue, and areas of soreness.
During an acupuncture treatment your body and mind get very relaxed. In this state, blood flow is improved, nerve communication is improved, and your body is enabled to return to homeostasis--to heal! You will probably sleep very well the next few nights after your treatment. It is common for people to be amazed by the depth of relief they experience.
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday by appointment. Please note: If you are coming to pick up herbs, please call first to make sure we are in. Please leave a voice message since we might be with a patient or briefly away from the phone.
Contact: To schedule an appointment for acupuncture or an herbal consultation please call 318-459-9125. You can email us with questions at [email protected] .
What to Expect at Acupuncture Shreveport
We will want to understand your goals for treatment. Many people are seeking relief from pain, fertility issues, or chronic stress. Others wish to boost wellness or address other specific issues. Evaluation by Acupuncturist Meredith Stewart involves understanding your symptoms and carefully observing your pulse, tongue, and areas of soreness.
During an acupuncture treatment your body and mind get very relaxed. In this state, blood flow is improved, nerve communication is improved, and your body is enabled to return to homeostasis--to heal! You will probably sleep very well the next few nights after your treatment. It is common for people to be amazed by the depth of relief they experience.
What Our Patients are Saying (Thank you, BTW!)
From the wife of a patient with a Cognitive Issue:
"I can really tell a difference. He was struggling when reading aloud to me--mispronouncing and/or replacing words that did not have the same meaning--and all that has disappeared. He is back to reading fluently. He seems more like his old self!!!"
About Pain Relief:
"Meredith has exceptional skills and knowledge of human anatomy and systems and brings every bit of her training and ability to improve your health! Thanks to her I am off of arthritis pain meds and have more energy, lower eye pressure!"
"Good afternoon. I just wanted to thank whoever worked on my son yesterday. I have not seen him smile like that in over a year. His knee is way better. He walks without limping. Even his infected toe is not as swollen. His elbow feels fine. He actually slept the whole night through. We don't know how long it will last but like he said, 'Even if it lasts only one day without pain it is worth it.' "
About Headaches:
"I used to wake up with daily headaches. After one treatment with Meredith they were gone!"
Re Relaxation and Wellness:
"I've been going to Acupuncture Shreveport for over a year and I love it. It's like having a massage that lasts a week."
"It's not that I've had major health problems but I have had a number of issues and they have all been helped by acupuncture. One thing I consistently go back for and what I love is just the feeling of being so relaxed after a stressful week. It just relaxes my mind and body."
"After our visit on Saturday, I have not smoked, my sugars are down 20-30 points and I feel much better. Thank you so much."
A nice email:
"Hi, I came in last Tuesday and had a wonderful experience. You thought my body may be fighting some sort of infection, and turns out I have a UTI/kidney infection. I went to Urgent Care on Saturday and was diagnosed with it then. Just thought I would share that with you, since you knew days before I did!"
Not Just Maintaining, Improving:
"I'm firmly convinced that acupuncture has allowed me to put off surgery...I'm noticing that I am not just maintaining, I'm improving,"
--Patient with a hereditary degenerative disease
About a Hormone Imbalance:
"Meredith helped me with a hormone imbalance that I had been dealing with for six months with 'traditional medicine' in two treatments. I can't recommend acupuncture enough!"
About weight loss:
"I love the ear seeds. They really helped me with weight loss...Personally, I didn't think it was going to work. When I'm at home and I get a craving, there's no stopping me. I was sitting on the couch one night and got a craving. I mashed the ear seed and the craving went totally away."
Some of the Conditions We Treat (There are many more than the list allows.)
Acute & Chronic Pain
Aging & Improved Longevity
Autoimmune Disease
Back & Leg Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cardiovascular Disease
Crohn's Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Digestive Ailments
Emotional Wellness
Endocrine Disorders
Golf/Tennis Elbow
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Low Energy
Men's Health Issues
Nail biting
Plantar Fasciitis
Poor Circulation
Poor Concentration/Memory
Respiratory Issues
Restless Legs Syndrome
Shoulder & Neck Tension
Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Smoking Addiction
Stroke Recovery
Thyroid Issues
Weight Issues
Women's Health Issues
Ulcerative Colitis
...and More...
Research finds wide variety of conditions that can be treated effectively by acupuncture
See the list of conditions that research has found can be treated effectively with acupuncture, as outlined by the World Health Organization: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js4926e/5.html.
From the wife of a patient with a Cognitive Issue:
"I can really tell a difference. He was struggling when reading aloud to me--mispronouncing and/or replacing words that did not have the same meaning--and all that has disappeared. He is back to reading fluently. He seems more like his old self!!!"
About Pain Relief:
"Meredith has exceptional skills and knowledge of human anatomy and systems and brings every bit of her training and ability to improve your health! Thanks to her I am off of arthritis pain meds and have more energy, lower eye pressure!"
"Good afternoon. I just wanted to thank whoever worked on my son yesterday. I have not seen him smile like that in over a year. His knee is way better. He walks without limping. Even his infected toe is not as swollen. His elbow feels fine. He actually slept the whole night through. We don't know how long it will last but like he said, 'Even if it lasts only one day without pain it is worth it.' "
About Headaches:
"I used to wake up with daily headaches. After one treatment with Meredith they were gone!"
Re Relaxation and Wellness:
"I've been going to Acupuncture Shreveport for over a year and I love it. It's like having a massage that lasts a week."
"It's not that I've had major health problems but I have had a number of issues and they have all been helped by acupuncture. One thing I consistently go back for and what I love is just the feeling of being so relaxed after a stressful week. It just relaxes my mind and body."
"After our visit on Saturday, I have not smoked, my sugars are down 20-30 points and I feel much better. Thank you so much."
A nice email:
"Hi, I came in last Tuesday and had a wonderful experience. You thought my body may be fighting some sort of infection, and turns out I have a UTI/kidney infection. I went to Urgent Care on Saturday and was diagnosed with it then. Just thought I would share that with you, since you knew days before I did!"
Not Just Maintaining, Improving:
"I'm firmly convinced that acupuncture has allowed me to put off surgery...I'm noticing that I am not just maintaining, I'm improving,"
--Patient with a hereditary degenerative disease
About a Hormone Imbalance:
"Meredith helped me with a hormone imbalance that I had been dealing with for six months with 'traditional medicine' in two treatments. I can't recommend acupuncture enough!"
About weight loss:
"I love the ear seeds. They really helped me with weight loss...Personally, I didn't think it was going to work. When I'm at home and I get a craving, there's no stopping me. I was sitting on the couch one night and got a craving. I mashed the ear seed and the craving went totally away."
Some of the Conditions We Treat (There are many more than the list allows.)
Acute & Chronic Pain
Aging & Improved Longevity
Autoimmune Disease
Back & Leg Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cardiovascular Disease
Crohn's Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Digestive Ailments
Emotional Wellness
Endocrine Disorders
Golf/Tennis Elbow
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Low Energy
Men's Health Issues
Nail biting
Plantar Fasciitis
Poor Circulation
Poor Concentration/Memory
Respiratory Issues
Restless Legs Syndrome
Shoulder & Neck Tension
Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Smoking Addiction
Stroke Recovery
Thyroid Issues
Weight Issues
Women's Health Issues
Ulcerative Colitis
...and More...
Research finds wide variety of conditions that can be treated effectively by acupuncture
See the list of conditions that research has found can be treated effectively with acupuncture, as outlined by the World Health Organization: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js4926e/5.html.